bkarimii / Coursework-Planner

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User story: Video recommendation listings #285

Open bkarimii opened 3 months ago

bkarimii commented 3 months ago

From Full-Stack-Project-Assessment created by Dedekind561: CodeYourFuture/Full-Stack-Project-Assessment#461


In the first week, we will build an MVP - a Minimum Viable Product. This product has the bare minimum of features to demonstrate a concept to an end user. It will likely not be nice, but it can already be shown to your peers to check and comment on. The MVP for the project we are doing is the ability to show a list of pre-defined videos to the user.

User story 👩🏽‍💻

As a user, I want to view a list of video recommendations, so I can work out what to watch next on YouTube

Required issues 🎫

    • [ ] #485
    • [ ] #464
    • [ ] #476
    • [ ] #463
    • [ ] #462

Example implementation

Here is an example implementation of how this user story could be implemented: https://lvl130--cyf-fsa-solution.netlify.app/