bkeepers / qu

a Ruby library for queuing and processing background jobs.
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jobs processed even when queue is not running #102

Closed luizkowalski closed 8 years ago

luizkowalski commented 9 years ago

I have an app with Rails 4.2.2 (using mongoid) running qu from master branch, and I'm seeing this strange behavior. On my model_obserer I have this code

def after_save(message)
    room = "room_#{message.room.uid}"
    SendMessageJob.create(room, message.id)

I started my server, but didn't ran the command bundle exec rake qu:work but the messages were still delivered to the rooms... This is unexpected, is there something wrong?

jnunemaker commented 9 years ago

Can you provide a small rails app/example that shows the issue? It is really hard to say based on the tiny bit of code you have provided.

luizkowalski commented 9 years ago

well, there is not much than that, actually. I installed qu and qu-mongoid, moved the method responsible to send the message to a Job and enqueued on after_save...that's it, but I can try provide more code, I'll try to share the code later

luizkowalski commented 9 years ago

I still having this issue. Here is the whole process:


  def create
    message = Message.new(message_params)
    message.room = room
    message.user = current_user

    MetricServices.message_sent(current_user.uid, room: message.room.name)
    render nothing: true


  def after_save(message)
    SendMessageJob.create message.id


class SendMessageJob < Qu::Job
  def initialize(message_id)
    @message_id = message_id

  def perform
    message = Message.find @message_id
    room = "room_#{message.room.uid}"
    WebsocketRails[room].trigger :new_message, message.present.to_html

I'm starting the app with rails server and JUST THIS...the message is still processed. Also, I didn't saw anything on my mongo database. is this right? should I see something, like a queue collection or whatever?

luizkowalski commented 9 years ago


jnunemaker commented 9 years ago

A couple things. I'm not 100% positive that master is stable right now. We've been tweaking things for a while to make some big breaking API changes for the long term good. It should be stable, but if it is, the API will change soon, so I wouldn't pin to master. I'd pin to the latest release and upgrade later.

Second, where are you configuring qu? It seems like the qu-immediate backend is being used or something.

luizkowalski commented 9 years ago

I'll try to change to the latest stable and actually, I haven't any config file for qu...only the bundle exec rake qu:work on the Procfile but it is commented, so it is not executing