bkeller2 / Mplus

Mplus syntax highlighting for sublime text 2.
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Mplus package on Sublime Text 3 #9

Closed basahda closed 10 years ago

basahda commented 10 years ago

Your Mplus package for Sublime Text is superb! I recently installed it on the latest Sublime Text 3. Editing and running an Mplus input file works like a charm. However, the output doesn't show up even though it is saved in the relevant folder. I've pasted below the error message I received. Any help would be much appreciated.

 Mplus VERSION 7.11 (Mac)
 Running input file '/Users/basahdra/Google Drive/AmericanSurveyCFA/CFAs/CFA_AAQ.inp'...
 Beginning Time:  13:11:03
    Ending Time:  13:11:03
   Elapsed Time:  00:00:00
 Output saved in 'CFA_AAQ.out'.

FSPathMakeRef(/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app) failed with error -43. [Finished in 0.5s with exit code 1] [cmd: ['/Applications/Mplus/mplus "/~CFAs/CFA_AAQ.inp" ; open -a "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app" "/Users/~/CFAs/CFA_AAQ.out"']] [dir: /Users/~/CFAs] [path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin]

bkeller2 commented 10 years ago

After a few hours of trying to be fancy about it I gave up. I put a small work around for mac only (mostly out of laziness and that is what OS it seems you are using). This should allow it to work on ST2 or ST3. Note, if you have both installed it will open it in ST2.

For now this will have to do, ideally I will need to either make a separate package for ST3 or fool around with package control to manage the two versions.

I will go ahead and close this issue, but let me know if this doesn't fix it. -Brian

basahda commented 10 years ago

Your work-around works on my Mac. Many thanks! Baljinder


Baljinder Sahdra, PhD Research Lecturer Institute for Positive Psychology and Education Faculty of Health Sciences Australian Catholic University, Strathfield Campus Locked Bag 2002, Strathfield, NSW 2135, Australia

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On 10 May 2014, at 1:43 am, bkeller2 notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

After a few hours of trying to be fancy about it. I gave up. I put a small work around for mac only, that should allow it to work on ST2 or ST3. Note, if you have both installed it will open it in ST2.

For now this will have to do, ideally I will need to either make a separate package for ST3 or fool around with package control to manage the two versions.

I will go ahead and close this issue, but let me know if this doesn't fix it. -Brian

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/bkeller2/Mplus/issues/9#issuecomment-42680529.