bkerler / SierraWirelessGen

Sierra Wireless OpenMEP Generator
77 stars 29 forks source link

Updating Script #15

Closed oleteacher closed 4 years ago

oleteacher commented 4 years ago

Amateur learner of Python question:

What is the easiest way to update SierraWirelessGen on my local machine? Like to keep it up with your changes.

I know to install fairly simple:

~> git clone https://github.com/bkerler/SierraWirelessGen
~> chmod +x SierraWirelessGen/sierrakeygen.py
~> pip3 install -r requirements.txt

But what about updates?

Thanks for sharing and your time.

carver-ua commented 4 years ago

многие подписаны на уведомления, и нам приходят email. зачем задавать такие простые вопросы ? купите Windows для чайников. diff/fc/git/github - там должны быть описанны. ваш вопрос не имеет никакого отношения к теме.

oleteacher commented 4 years ago

@carver-ua So sorry that I bothered you and yes I am a USA dummy. Why such an attack?

People like you is why the world is bad.

tpoechtrager commented 4 years ago

Sadly some people are like this. They think they are something 'better', an 'elite' or whatever they think.

git pull

Is probably what you are looking for.

He didn't write USA dummy though. Google Translate is very bad. Use deepl.com instead.

oleteacher commented 4 years ago

Thanks @tpoechtrager . In some ways he is right, I probably should have used Stackoverflow for question like this, but it is even worse. Lot of great people there (like here) but so many think they are gods gift to intelligence :) We all start at the bottom of learning and that is where I am with Python.

Thank you for taking time to provide the tip. Wishing you and yours safety and health.