bkerler / edl

Inofficial Qualcomm Firehose / Sahara / Streaming / Diag Tools :)
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Extracting loader from Alcatel Firmware Tool. #542

Closed userse31 closed 2 months ago

userse31 commented 2 months ago

I'm messing with my Alcatel 7040N. Again.

Anyway, trying to read the partitions:

`Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.62 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2023. main - Trying with no loader given ... main - Waiting for the device ...... main - Hint: Press and hold vol up+dwn, connect usb. For some, only use vol up. main - Xiaomi: Press and hold vol dwn + pwr, in fastboot mode connect usb. Run "./fastpwn oem edl". main - Other: Run "adb reboot edl".

...main - Device detected :) sahara - Protocol version: 2, Version supported: 1 main - Mode detected: sahara sahara - Version 0x2

HWID: 0x008140e10042000a (MSM_ID:0x008140e1,OEM_ID:0x0042,MODEL_ID:0x000a) CPU detected: "MSM8212" PK_HASH: 0xdac615cfcf6745e6fd679e51644c6d65e790275324d5a65cf47bdd46e9029b02 Serial: 0x061ea190

sahara sahara - [LIB]: Couldn't find a loader for given hwid and pkhash (008140e10042000adac615cfcf6745e6[FHPRG/ENPRG].bin) :(`

Hmm.... I need the loader....

WAIT A MINUTE. The firmware flashing thing! https://www.mediafire.com/file/bq0t2axu46aqaeb/Alcatel_OneTouch_Fierce_2_7040N_2CE4US1_C6E_4.2.zip/file

That uses EDL mode! It should have the loader! Wait, how do I extract the loader from there?

userse31 commented 2 months ago

Well, I got SOMETHING.

`qwerty@debian:~/Documents/compiling/edl$ ./edl --loader=./7040N_loaders/Miata_NPRG7627.bin rl ./7040N/ Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.62 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2023. main - Using loader ./7040N_loaders/Miata_NPRG7627.bin ... main - Waiting for the device ....main - Device detected :) sahara - Protocol version: 2, Version supported: 1 main - Mode detected: sahara sahara - Version 0x2

HWID: 0x008140e10042000a (MSM_ID:0x008140e1,OEM_ID:0x0042,MODEL_ID:0x000a) CPU detected: "MSM8212" PK_HASH: 0xdac615cfcf6745e6fd679e51644c6d65e790275324d5a65cf47bdd46e9029b02 Serial: 0x061ea190

sahara - Protocol version: 2, Version supported: 1 sahara - Uploading loader ./7040N_loaders/Miata_NPRG7627.bin ... sahara - 32-Bit mode detected. sahara - Firehose mode detected, uploading... sahara - Loader successfully uploaded. `

But then it hangs. Then again, my specimen is absolutely THRASHED and has trouble even connecting to a computer when fully booted. (Blame my soldering skills.)

userse31 commented 2 months ago

Yeah, even with the official flashing program the process hangs.

As Shango066 would say: BAKED.