bkhpanigha / hh-suttas

HH Suttas (Development)
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Flashing Dark mode #181

Closed wisecameron closed 1 month ago

wisecameron commented 1 month ago

When the site is loaded locally or on the live version, you see a flash of the dark mode version without any loaded data. I'll try to figure that out after I refactor the code structure.

uruvelakassapa commented 1 month ago

@wisecameron this has been an issue since the beginning and at the time I couldn't figure out a way around it from the js side.

It happens because you need to set some sort of background colour in the initially before the js can read localStorage and get the dark mode setting

wisecameron commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/bkhpanigha/hh-suttas/pull/182 Fixed