bkhpanigha / hh-suttas

HH Suttas (Development)
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Download notification box issue #98

Closed Reptilioo closed 6 months ago

Reptilioo commented 6 months ago

There is an issue with infoButton.addEventListener("click", function (event)){}); and document.addEventListener("click", function (event) {}); being called in displaySuttas() -> everytime a search is made, a new similar event is added to infoButton (at least on chrome) so if this button have an even number of the same event: when clicking the button the box is shown and directly hidden. -> We could just put these addEventListener() to the end of index.js

Another thing, is .info-notification-box supposed to show in the upper-center side of the viewport?

bkhpanigha commented 6 months ago


Another thing, is .info-notification-box supposed to show in the upper-center side of the viewport?

Yes, ideally. No particular preference though.

I've moved the addEventListener()s to the very end and the issue with search seems to be fixed.