bkkhack / hackmap

App to help collaboration at hacknights.
MIT License
10 stars 9 forks source link

January 2018 Hack Night #38

Closed ches closed 6 years ago

ches commented 6 years ago

Welcome to BKK/hack!

If you know what you'll be hacking on, add it to the left.

The seating chart may not be up-to-date yet, but go ahead and add your plan or idea—when you arrive at the event, drag your picture to where you're sitting so others can find you.

If you're not sure, you can join somebody else's hack, or ask @ches or @djay if you have any questions.

delta-9 commented 6 years ago

Golang / React: Trading tools using exchange API Implements some basic tools for trading such as buy / stop loss order, overview of a portfolio, panic sell button. I also have some knowledge of solidity / smart contract if people are working on that I can join.

richsmith92 commented 6 years ago

"Reinventing blockchain" mind map Bitcoin blockchain was an answer to a problem which most of people were never concerned about in the first place. I think this explain why so many people have trouble understanding it.

I'll be working on a presentation in form of a mind map or decision tree, to show what kind of evolution of thought could lead to Bitcoin design.

My initial draft: https://atlas.mindmup.com/2018/01/06722020fdb511e78962cf9ef6a6d69d/blockchain/index.html

Anyone is free to join. If you are new to cryptocurrencies, I think it's even better, because you won't have the curse of knowledge.

timthetanker commented 6 years ago

MyBru Make Sporting predictions- A sport prediction game

elcolie commented 6 years ago

React Testing Testing by using facebook incubator

dwsmith1983 commented 6 years ago

Whatever happens We will see

ghost commented 6 years ago

Python/ Kivy Make tapping numbers game

djay commented 6 years ago

Kodi python plugin for social watching Wifi: Learn Hub+ Guest User: bkkhack PW: bkkhack

nootanghimire commented 6 years ago

dafuq.is backend A collection of python scripts that powers a rather useless website called: https://dafuq.is . It basically gives you definitions of a word or phrase by pulling it out of urban dictionary, but I do have some novel plans.

Mostly Targeted towards leaning python.

jean commented 6 years ago

Styling markdown/RST using bootstrap Styling the Python Conference Thailand website using Bootstrap.

ches commented 6 years ago

Hackmap features and fixes Might work on the Hackmap, this thing you might be viewing right now.

It's a client-side Vue.js application that uses GitHub as a datastore. The source repository lives here:


@waf can help answer questions about the project and may work on it as well.

waf commented 6 years ago

Hackmap or .NET IL Either helping out with the HackMap, or working on the .NET intermediate language (IL) backend for my programming language.

Robert-Ernst commented 6 years ago

NodeJs Basics (i.e. promise) Teaching some NodeJS if anyone is interested to join. Topic is at least promises

smalldatabrains commented 6 years ago

Google Cloud API, play with machine learning tools (Python)

kidchenko commented 6 years ago


nadam commented 6 years ago

Cryptocurrency exchange bot Telegram bots interacting with exchanges

crishoj commented 6 years ago

iOS port of thai-language.com (C#/Xamarin)

brendonmatheson commented 6 years ago

Wildebeest Wildebeest - the best database migration tool in the colonized worlds - http://zendigital.co/wildebeest/

mrik23 commented 6 years ago

React (learning)

marcinkaszynski commented 6 years ago

Golang for Python devs I'm preparing workshops on Go for Python devs. Could also help with another project in Go or Python.

saiqulhaq commented 6 years ago

Fixing Hackmap

dflamholc commented 6 years ago

Python Vfx software GUI for filename convention

vehas commented 6 years ago

clojure we will write 3 connected micro service with clojure and scala , save simple data to redis db and load test it. Any body welcome, we're happy to train you to be clojurian and scala practitioner.

jaspervz commented 6 years ago

Scala microservice With http4s and doobie

ditsara commented 6 years ago

If you want to learn Rails see me

scomma commented 6 years ago

Fishtank Fishtank is like a screensaver for your corporate lobby. It displays organic bits of data that were just entered into your SaaS in realtime, for vanity purposes.

Stack: whatever gets it done quickest.

ginegine commented 6 years ago

UX designer

mikey1384 commented 6 years ago

open source social network website www.twinkle.network https://github.com/mikey1384/twin-kle