bkkhack / hackmap

App to help collaboration at hacknights.
MIT License
10 stars 9 forks source link

February 2018 Hack Night #43

Closed djay closed 6 years ago

djay commented 6 years ago

Welcome to BKK/hack!

If you know what you'll be hacking on, add it to the left.

The seating chart may not be up-to-date yet, but go ahead and add your plan or idea—when you arrive at the event, drag your picture to where you're sitting so others can find you.

If you're not sure, you can join somebody else's hack, or ask @ches or @djay if you have any questions.

bmason commented 6 years ago

A smalltalk like PHP code browser/explorer

disconnect3d commented 6 years ago

Pwndbg or Manticore I will work on one of the projects:

codecoded commented 6 years ago

Tournament.gg website Continuing to work on a personal website that I do with a friend - tournament.gg, written in C# using dotnet core / razor pages (sorry - no client frameworks at present!)

Really keen to find a designer who would like to collaborate. Also have a film site (filmlovr.com - built using Aurelia, NodeJS Express and ArangoDB - a sexy stack!) I want to revamp and looking to launch a casino site as well in near future.

If interested in any form of web development, or looking for a project to build a client app (mobile or web), come say hi!

Happy to talk microservices, cloud, serverless, graph dbs etc etc

elcolie commented 6 years ago

Try upgrading my favorite Django package I want to upgrade it to Django2 https://github.com/elcolie/django-geoposition

I still looking forward to study ReactJS and CSS Although I know ReactJS. I would like to gain more knowledge on UnitTesting as well.

richsmith92 commented 6 years ago

Cardano (or something else crypto-related) I'm going to try building Cardano SL and Daedalus wallet from source and figure out how to run them.

nadam commented 6 years ago

Cryptocurrency Might work on the cryptozombies tutorial (Solidity) or libraries for exchanges' APIs in Java.

Alainbriez commented 6 years ago

Deploy OpenStack + Custom dashboard We will work on the deployment of OpenStack then think and customize the dashboard UI, probably based on the Aurora Dashboard : https://github.com/entercloudsuite/aurora-ui

blead commented 6 years ago

RegChula Scheduler

brianwilsongh commented 6 years ago

rust playing with rust (still very new at it)

tao-pr commented 6 years ago

Computer Vision with OpenCV To work on Active Appearance Model implementation on OpenCV3 (C++). The base repo for the project I'm working on is https://github.com/starcolon/aam-opencv3

Any discussion / collaboration are welcome!

Ipsta commented 6 years ago

Using leaflet.js to display dynamic maps

Ipsta commented 6 years ago

Using leaflet.js to display dynamic maps