bkkhack / hackmap

App to help collaboration at hacknights.
MIT License
10 stars 9 forks source link

June 2018 Hack Night #66

Closed ches closed 5 years ago

ches commented 6 years ago

Welcome to BKK/hack!

(On github.com? Try our hackmap instead!)

If you know what you'll be hacking on, add it to the left.

The seating chart may not be up-to-date yet, but go ahead and add your plan or idea—when you arrive at the event, drag your picture to where you're sitting so others can find you. If you're not sure, you can join somebody else's hack, or ask @ches if you have any questions.

If you've found a bug in our hackmap, please report it here.

blisscs commented 6 years ago

Sample Line Bot Using Elixir and Elm I will be building a sample line bot just for fun as in the image below.


Tooling -

  1. phoenix framework. (Phoenix channel for real time support over socket)
  2. elm and webpack for frontend. (elm-phoenix for real time ui update over socket)
  3. Deploy on heroku


  1. Once user scan a bot barcode. that user chat windows will appears real time.
  2. Once user remove a bot from a friend. that user chat window will be disappeared in real time.
  3. Once user send a message to a bot. that message will be appeared on that user chat window in real time. There will be also notification on top of that particular chat window.
  4. For each received message from user to bot. We can reply back by submitting a message in that particular user chat window.
  5. For Each event happening. The Event Log Windows will display them in chronological order (or any other order).
  6. collapsible user chat window.
  7. No Sign In / No SIgn Up / No Authorization ( Just for fun only make sure that demo works )

Limitation I will start with basic line dev account so. I think, the number of possible chat windows will be less than or equal to 50.

Suggestion and Contributions are welcome

Estimate finish time: July 14 2018

Repos: https://gitlab.com/blisscs/ex-line-bot-sample for line bot

https://gitlab.com/blisscs/ex-line-bot-sdk for sdk I am hoping to develop a sdk in elixir also as a side. so that we can reuse later

Development process / issues / progress / contributions can be track and contributed on the repos above

danfowler commented 6 years ago

Setting up Emacs as a Python IDE

mrik23 commented 6 years ago

Wargames overthewire.org http://overthewire.org/wargames/natas/

ianmere commented 6 years ago

Crypto Bot Monitoring, and looking to improve with machine learning

elcolie commented 6 years ago

Getting start with Redux Imitate the tutorial, but I do by my IDE not online IDE like in the example.

vehas commented 6 years ago

clojure server w/ mongo db

fredpolito commented 6 years ago

testing webapps with burpsuite web application testing with BurpSuite (security)

Objectoop commented 6 years ago

Blockchain I am actually beginner in blockchain.
Welcome to share :)

  1. P2P Network programming.
  2. Proof of work, Proof of stake
siraben commented 6 years ago

Relational Programming in Scheme

mohamedhayibor commented 5 years ago

Build a meme marketplace with Ethereum

If you are pro-efficient with front-end stuff, let's hack away together.

The goal is that by the end, we will have a full working front end (github page) interacting with the deployed smart contract. So 80% to 90% finished and usable.

repo: https://github.com/mohamedhayibor/ethervineAlpha

yrashk commented 5 years ago

Decentralized collaboration What's decentralized collaboration and showcasing https://sit.fyi

caspar-goeke commented 5 years ago

Multi-Layered Online Strategy Game I started with this project ~5 years ago and together with a friend of mine, we got quite a few nice features working, but not enough for a Beta Version / simple demo.

So my current task is: Improving the procedureal map/ terrain generation mechanism to procude a nicer map/ landscape.

drawnwren commented 5 years ago

Haskell Codewars Working through simple Haskell coding problems. Great if you are either a beginning programmer who wants to think about basic algorithms or an advanced programmer who wants to learn Haskell.

teguesimo commented 5 years ago

R, Python ,data science