Closed tao-pr closed 6 years ago
this sounds really cool. let me know on slack if this works! would love to look at the code.
@aljones15 definitely!
Then let's create bot and fight
@elcolie that's actually a cool idea. Doom has a lan multiplayer mode so it would be cool to see learning algorithims against learning algorithims deatth match. Might be easier in source 2 though.
Not so much progress made tonight :hushed: I drafted a structure for Temporal Difference learning algo but still in the middle of trying to understand how the algo works before rushing into implementation.
I also have a baseline & simpler strategy implemented based on Q-learning here in master branch. I trained it for like 600 rounds and it knows how move and shoot, but still isn't smart enough :smile:
Thanks for the update hope to understand your project soon. :) If you didn't see this one its a Q learning in Keras tutorial.
@aljones15 Nice article. Deep Reinforcement Learning sounds interesting to try out at some point, perhaps after Temporal Difference. Wanna compare Deep QL against basic QL too.
Are you ready to show?
Implement a reinforcement-learning algo for a classic Doom bot to find best strategies to maximise the score!
I made a repo here : The simple Q-Learning algo has been implemented, up and running over Jupyter Notebook.
I'll find another more suitable algo to imeplement and test the bot. Just for fun!