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Om Tutorials and maybe some Haskell at the end #207

Closed aljones15 closed 7 years ago

aljones15 commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/aljones15/SimplePathFinding Haskell Search Algorithms Project:

  1. see if I can get nix os' ncurses to work with my stack project
  2. if possible continue working on Breadth First Search
  3. Look into a higher order function that is giving some type errors

https://github.com/aljones15/clojure-conway it's possible I won't be able to solve the ncurses issue so instead:

  1. look at clojure conway game of life
  2. try again to implement an r/fold version of it (pmap works just fine)
  3. work on my om home page.
  4. hmm what can this figwheel thing do.
  5. find a style library that uses flex box for my om page
tao-pr commented 7 years ago

Oh, A* and Dijkstra on Haskell must be much fun ...

aljones15 commented 7 years ago

didn't get actually get around to it still haven't figured out what missing ncurses libs are causing the build issue in nix