bkkhack / hacknights

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Create Hangman game by Ruby on Rails #42

Closed songsuke closed 8 years ago

songsuke commented 8 years ago


songsuke commented 8 years ago

Check out my stupid first version !

djay commented 8 years ago

No live server I can play?

songsuke commented 8 years ago

It needs improvement. I'll let you know when it's ready. Now it's just a prototype, also it's too embarrassing to show. Even the code sucks lol

songsuke commented 8 years ago

here --> I'm using for staging http://hangman-bkk-hacknight.herokuapp.com

ches commented 8 years ago

Cool :sunglasses:

Maybe you can add the link to http://hangman-bkk-hacknight.herokuapp.com/ in the GitHub project description/website at the top of the repo page.

Will be fun to see if you add some more interactive feedback and render a hangman as the user runs out of guesses :smile:

songsuke commented 8 years ago

We have plans on implementation. Maybe interaction between two users.