bkkhack / hacknights

A meta-repository for finding hack night birds-of-a-feather and tracking what we learn.
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Gif Disco #84

Closed thinking-twins closed 8 years ago

thinking-twins commented 8 years ago

Building a rough prototype to play (looped) gif sequences synchronized to a soundtrack.

Example: http://gif-disco.thinking-twins.net/


The Gif Disco player should match the song with gifs or stretch the gifs according to their length.

Dev Environment: Cloud9 IDE html5, javascript, polymer

Feedback, hints, ideas and support is highly appreciated. Its a fun project! :)

thinking-twins commented 8 years ago

We actually made some progress. just check it out:

http://gif-disco.thinking-twins.net Turn up the volume Hit SPACE to start the awesomeness