Closed jswagaman63 closed 8 years ago
so try this out and see if either will work. this should narrow down two things. One can your receiver be controlled locally within the network, and second is port 8080 forwarded and can the receiver be controlled from outside your network. try this open a browser session and place this in the address bar, (edit [local_ip] with your directv's receivers local ip... or in this case the cinema internet box's ip. you may have to add in the mac address if you have multiple receivers running that has been covered on other issues). http://[local_ip]:8080/remote/processKey?key=pause&hold=keyPress place this command in a browser window of a computer on your local network and hit enter. The directv receiver should pause. next try to pause the receiver from outside your local network. alter the pause command to match your wan ip address. then open a browser and place this command and hit enter. Keep in mind this needs to be on a different network so from a cell phone or friends house. http://[wan_ip]:8080/remote/processKey?key=pause&hold=keyPress if the receiver pauses you have port 8080 forwarded and your ISP is not blocking port 8080.
Thanks for the suggestions. Essentially, I had to setup my cinema internet box as a DMZ server. This allowed my port forwarding to work.
Thank you for answering my question. I really appreciate it.
Glad it's working
I am working with the older Directv DVR, that has to have a Directv Cinema internet box attached. I have gotten everything setup and my testing for commands that don't exist is successful. I get the following error when I try to test a valid command. I have tried setting up the IP address for Port Forwarding on my Netgear Router. I am just not sure if it is a Port Forwarding issue or do I need to put my Directv outside my DMZ. Any help you can provide would be most helpful.
START RequestId: edb06b5f-9dfc-11e6-b0e1-bd73d4b846ba Version: $LATEST 2016-10-29T17:27:12.904Z edb06b5f-9dfc-11e6-b0e1-bd73d4b846ba session applicationId: amzn1.ask.skill.7a2c15b5-0040-4d68-90c2-404f0ec9ee4e 2016-10-29T17:27:12.905Z edb06b5f-9dfc-11e6-b0e1-bd73d4b846ba dispatch intent = DirectvIntent 2016-10-29T17:27:13.098Z edb06b5f-9dfc-11e6-b0e1-bd73d4b846ba Error: socket hang up at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:200:15) at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:285:23) at emitNone (events.js:72:20) at Socket.emit (events.js:166:7) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:905:12) at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:437:9) at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:392:17) END RequestId: edb06b5f-9dfc-11e6-b0e1-bd73d4b846ba REPORT RequestId: edb06b5f-9dfc-11e6-b0e1-bd73d4b846ba Duration: 469.89 ms Billed Duration: 500 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 6 MB
Process exited before completing request