bkphillips / MHSS_Figures_code

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Summary Tables #2

Open bkphillips opened 7 years ago

bkphillips commented 7 years ago

┆Attachments: Table of Means.xlsx

bkphillips commented 7 years ago

➤ Bryan Phillips commented: 1) Add the current year income sector 1 only. 2) Rerun identical spreadhsheet with using topcoded incyear_0tc99 instead of incyear

Employment globals

global worktype m2_ea_part_inc m2_eb_profplus m2_eb_ag m2_eb_manual m2_eb_elementary m2_eb_readwriteandmath_cl m2_eb_physical m2_eb_anyeduc_cl global goodjobs m2_eb_profplus m2_eb_profplus_noshop3 m2_eb_prof m2_eb_prof_prim34

plus all income, hours and wages variables

bkphillips commented 7 years ago

➤ Bryan Phillips commented: https://app.asana.com/0/261577254817793/261577254817793 Hi Randall, I made the changes we had talked about to the summary tables for the employment variables (added sector 1, rounded numbers, untrimmed vars., etc.). I also created a summary table of the other employment variables listed about.

I also started on the health data by running histograms, k density plots, and tables for BMI by migrant group. I didn't run the other health variables because the cleaning code that you gave me calls on variables that do not exist in my health dataset. I commented in your health cleaning code which variables do not exist.

All of these figures are located here in the "3_figures" folder on the box drive: C:\Users{box username}\Box Sync\migrant followup\MHSS\3_figures


bkphillips commented 7 years ago

➤ Randall Kuhn commented: Table of Means structure

bkphillips commented 7 years ago

➤ Bryan Phillips commented: Filepath to Health tables: C:\Users\phill\Box Sync\migrant followup\MHSS\3_figures\health\all_health_vars

bkphillips commented 7 years ago

➤ Bryan Phillips commented: https://app.asana.com/0/261577254817793/261577254817793 These Health variables werent in the dataset: m2_injury_work m2_injury_disab cm46 m2_smoke_perday m2_asthma_simple m2_angina_screen