Links in SVG diagrams currently are limited to files in project's directory, i.e. it's only possible to provide a single pattern which will append relative paths to the sources in links:
link: '{{ git.commit }}/{{ element.source.path }}#L{{ element.source.line }}'
tooltip: '{% if "comment" in element %}{{ abbrv(trim(replace(element.comment.formatted, "\n+", " ")), 256) }}{% else %}{{ }}{% endif %}'
It should be possible to specify absolute paths for link templates, which could allow adding links to external dependencies or even system headers, e.g.:
Links in SVG diagrams currently are limited to files in project's directory, i.e. it's only possible to provide a single pattern which will append relative paths to the sources in links:
It should be possible to specify absolute paths for link templates, which could allow adding links to external dependencies or even system headers, e.g.:
Also it should also allow dealing with relative paths inside the current project, e.g. for submodules.