I just noticed about 1/3 if all human flu B sequences in GISAID are not assigned Vic or Yam. I noticed this because new B sequences from the global migration paper weren't getting included.
I think to correct for this we could use all B sequences in a pipeline (say for Vic), but then clean to keep only sequences similar enough to modern Vic HA.
Yes, this would probably be a good idea. basically in the script that adds new sequences put in an extra alignment step a recent B sequence from each lineage.
I just noticed about 1/3 if all human flu B sequences in GISAID are not assigned Vic or Yam. I noticed this because new B sequences from the global migration paper weren't getting included.
I think to correct for this we could use all B sequences in a pipeline (say for Vic), but then clean to keep only sequences similar enough to modern Vic HA.