blabla1337 / skf-flask

Security Knowledge Framework (SKF) Python Flask / Angular project
Apache License 2.0
806 stars 308 forks source link

Solved: registering admin account fails without error #831

Closed cptfixit closed 12 months ago

cptfixit commented 12 months ago

I am deploying the SKF stack using docker-compose. After booting up, I am presented with the login page where I can setup the admin account.

After filling out the form with the pre-defined information (as per the documentation) there are no messages, no errors and I am redirected to the login page. However, the username and password are not accepted, the account is invalid.

The solution lies in the docker-compose.yml file, where specific URLs are defined.

The docker-compose deployment assumes that you are using http://localhost for everything. This will not work correctly if you use Docker on a server/VM that is not on your local laptop.

Change the following settings when you are accessing SKF via het external network. Set the hostname to your host's name.

$ sudo grep -i myhost docker-compose.yml
      - FRONTEND_URI=http://myhost.domain
      - SKF_API_URL=http://myhost.domain/api
      - SKF_LABS_DOMAIN=http://myhost.domain
cptfixit commented 12 months ago

Resolved as per the OP: if you are accessing the SKF via the network, be sure to set the URI configurations to your actual hostname, instead of to localhost.