When you update a whole service like this
ggn environment service update -y
The output is not does not have much information
09:26:14 INFO ggn/work/service-update.go:38 Remote service is already up to date env=prod-pa3 service=zabbix-core-agent
09:26:17 INFO ggn/work/service-update.go:40 But service is not running env=prod-pa3 service=zabbix-core-agent
09:26:18 INFO ggn/work/service-update.go:38 Remote service is already up to date env=prod-pa3 service=zabbix-core-agent
09:26:18 INFO ggn/work/service-update.go:77 Updating unit env=prod-pa3 service=zabbix-core-agent
Witch container was not running ?
Witch container is updated ?
In order to better investigate :)
When you update a whole service like this
ggn environment service update -y
The output is not does not have much information
Witch container was not running ? Witch container is updated ? In order to better investigate :)