black7375 / BlaCk-Void-Zsh

🔮 Awesome, Customable Zsh Starter Kit 🌠🌠
MIT License
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okay now what? #3

Closed userx-bw closed 5 years ago

userx-bw commented 5 years ago

I got it installed arcolinux, but now how do I implement it so when I open a terminal I see the changes? I have not found anything in here to tell/show me how to finish what was started.

black7375 commented 5 years ago

Do you mean uninstall or go back to [Bash/Previous environment Zsh]?

  1. Go back to Bash sudo chsh -s $(which bash)

  2. Go back to Previous environment Zsh If the previous configuration files(~/.zshrc ~/.zshenv ~/.zlogin) exist, it will be backed up with the ".bak" file like ~/.zshrc.bak. If not, just clear configuration files.

  3. Uninstall

    rm -rf $BVZSH ~/.zplugin

    Than please refer to No.1 and No.2.

userx-bw commented 5 years ago

thanks, all of this zsh anything is completely new to me