blackMisay / Janmos

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Implement pagination for Product module records #42

Open blackMisay opened 3 months ago

blackMisay commented 3 months ago

Implement pagination for product records within the Product module.

Leverage the components already implemented in the Product form:

  1. Buttons: First page, Previous page, Next page, Last page.
  2. Combobox: Record count, defaulted to 20.

Initially, the datagridview displays 20 records by default. Develop a program to utilize these components to set limits on records and enable navigation through the available pages using the provided buttons. The Record count dropdown allows users to select the desired limit for each page in the datagridview.

blackMisay commented 3 months ago

This task did not reach completion before the deadline. I will move this ticket to the 2024.04.2 Sprint.