blackbeam / rust-mysql-simple

Mysql client library implemented in rust.
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How to query the executed sql statement #386

Open tgy3300 opened 1 week ago

tgy3300 commented 1 week ago
use serde_json::{json as sjson, Value};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use serde::Deserialize;
use mysql::{
    prelude::{FromRow, Queryable},

fn get_info<T: FromRow + Debug>(
    conn: &mut PooledConn,
    sql: String,
    sql_data: Vec<&Value>,
) -> Result<Option<T>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
    let s = conn.exec_first(sql, sql_data)?;

#[derive(FromRow, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
struct Company {
    id: i64,
    name: String,
    status: i16,
    err_info: Option<String>,
    account_id: i64,
    create_at: i64,
    update_at: i64,

fn main() {
    let s = sjson!({ "name": { "$like": "洋200科" } });
    let (sql_where, sql_data) = get_where_sql(&s, None);
    let sql = format!("SELECT * FROM `company` WHERE {}", sql_where);

    let mut client = get_client();
    let res: Company = get_info(&mut client, sql, sql_data).unwrap().unwrap();
    println!("-------{:#?}----", res);

Question: How do I query the sql statements executed by exec_first

blackbeam commented 6 days ago


Sorry but I couldn't parse the meaning of the question. What does it mean for an "executed SQL statement" to be "queried"?

If you need query log consider looking into MySql documentation — this is from the top of google results.

tgy3300 commented 6 days ago

The interaction with the mysql database is carried out through sql statements

let s = conn.exec_first(sql, sql_data)?;

The parameters passed to the exec_first method here are sql and sql_data. Now I want to know what the complete sql statement generated by these two parameters is, so as to facilitate the viewing and debugging of errors

blackbeam commented 6 days ago

Oh, I see.

Prepared statements does not work In a way that "complete SQL statement" is constructed from sql and sql_data.

tgy3300 commented 5 days ago
let mut val: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

let s = conn.exec_first("SELECT * FROM `company` WHERE `name` LIKE '%?%'", val)?;

A combination like the above will report an error: `Err value: DriverError { Statement takes 0 parameters but 1 was supplied }`

So I want to see what the sql statement exec_first is like

blackbeam commented 4 days ago

"Prepared statements" is not a trivial template language where all the ? replaced by whatever you gave in the params. Please consult the relevant section of MySql documentation.

Things you should note:

  1. Not all SQL statements can be prepared (DDL for example).
  2. It is only possible to use the ? placeholder where a single value is expected.
  3. The value of the ? parameter is whatever could be stored in a single mysql column.

This version should work:

conn.exec_first("SELECT * FROM `company` WHERE `name` LIKE ?", ("%200key%",))?;