blackberry-webworks / BB10-Webworks-API

An api repository for webworks
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As a WebWorks developer, I can read, write, and navigate file system hierarchies from my application at runtime. #25

Closed kwallis closed 11 years ago

kwallis commented 12 years ago

File API to allow navigation of the file system, read and write of files. This should match as closely as possible the Cordova file API.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Overall strategy is to use the Cordova File API signatures
  2. Use "" as the feature id/namespace
  3. Limit to the host devices file system
  4. Allow listing of directories on the filesystem
  5. Allow listing of all files in a given directory
  6. Ability to create a new directory or file
  7. Ability to delete an existing directory and its sub-hierarchy
  8. Ability to delete an existing file
  9. Ability to read the contents of a file
  10. Ability to write to a file, optionally creating the file if it does not exist
  11. Ability to move a directory or file (this will allow rename as a usecase as well)
  12. Ability to copy a file
  13. Ability to get metadata information about a directory or file (need to understand what metadata is exposed by the system)
  14. Able to get a listing of the contents of a directory
kwallis commented 12 years ago

Opened on the packager Repo.

kwallis commented 12 years ago

Re-opening on this repo. damn @nukulb

nukulb commented 12 years ago

So I think this is actually already supported by the browser's HTML5 support. We should already have this support right from the browser. I am skipping this User story till we can do a Gap analysis on if anything is missing. I believe FieSystem and FileReader are fully supported. shows using FileReader and FileSystem

nukulb commented 12 years ago

@jeffheifetz - need this for the next sprint planning

jeffheifetz commented 12 years ago

The full API is not completely implemented but appears to be targeted for BB10.0.0.5. There is an issue tracking this internally

nukulb commented 12 years ago

@kwallis - please move this to the next milestone since its retargeeted to 10.0.06