blackberry / BB10-Webworks-Packager

The BB10 WebWorks Packager bundles the App content with the BB10 WebWorks Framework to create a BAR to run on the BB10 Device (or simulator)
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Device & Simulator building #252

Open thtro opened 11 years ago

thtro commented 11 years ago

Hi, I have a fairly big app, about 200 MB with hundreds of files in it. It drives me crazy that when I build the app, it also creates the simulator build even if I select "device" only from Ripple. It takes quite a long time to build the app twice. Maybe you could add an option to bbwp so that Ripple could benefit and save some time when building?

Thanks, Andrei

kwallis commented 11 years ago

Out of curiosity, how long does the build take?

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thtro commented 11 years ago

The entire process, until the app actually starts on phone is about 4 minutes! The actual building takes 2 and a half minutes out of which building the simulator/device .bar versions takes 20 seconds each. And another more than 2 minutes I need to wait after it says "Sending request: Install & Launch". Is there any way to speed up the upload/install process?

It would be nice to avoid 20 seconds of wasted time every time I compile the app. (Luckily, I was able to remove files from the app until the final testing, but nevertheless it's still a problem)