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HTML5 Database Creation Example not helpful #242

Open jeffheifetz opened 13 years ago

jeffheifetz commented 13 years ago

I think it would be better if we showed an example that actually showed how to properly open and create a database with a callback. Something like -

//Create a namespace to hold our database variable
if (typeof mynamespace === 'undefined') {
    mynamespace = {};

(function () {

    //This method is only called once (the first time the database is created)
    function onDBCreate(database) {
        //Attach the database because "window.openDatabase" would not have returned it
        mynamespace.db = database;
        //Create the table in the database
            function (tx) {tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE tbl_name (key int unique, name text)',
                function (tx, res) {
                    alert("Table Created Successfully");
                function (tx, err) {
                    alert("ERROR - Table creation failed - code: " + err.code + ", message: " + err.message);

    if (window.openDatabase) {
        //Will either return the existing database or call our callback onDBCreate
        mynamespace.db = window.openDatabase('documents', '1.0', 'Offline document storage', 5 * 1024 * 1024, onDBCreate);
    } else {
        alert("This device does not have HTML5 Database support");
miamon commented 13 years ago


really we need an example like this, but i think we have to add:

Here the code:

//Create a namespace to hold our database variable
if( typeof mynamespace === 'undefined') {
    mynamespace = {};
}( function() {

    //This method is only called once (the first time the database is created)
    function onDBCreate(database) {
        //Attach the database because "window.openDatabase" would not have returned it
        mynamespace.db = database;

        mynamespace.db.transaction(function(tx) {
            //Create the table in the database
            tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE tbl_name (key int unique, name text)', [], function(tx, res) {
                alert("Table Created Successfully");
            }, function(tx, err) {
                alert("ERROR - Table creation failed - code: " + err.code + ", message: " + err.message);
            //Inserting default values in the table
            var row_tbl_name = {
                name : "BlackBerry"
            tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO tbl_name (name) VALUES (?)', [], function(tx, res) {
                alert("Row Inserted Successfully. Insert ID  = " + res.insertId);
            }, function(tx, err) {
                alert("ERROR - Row Insert failed - code: " + err.code + ", message: " + err.message);
        }, errorTrans, successTrans);

    if(window.openDatabase) {
        //Will either return the existing database or call our callback onDBCreate
        var name = 'documents';
        var version = '1.0';
        var displayName = 'Offline document storage';
        var estimatedSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
        var creationCallback = onDBCreate;
        try {
            mynamespace.db = window.openDatabase(name, version, displayName, estimatedSize, creationCallback);
            if(!mynamespace.db) {
                alert("Failed to open the database");
            } else {
                alert("Database opened Successfully");
        } catch(err) {
            alert('Error: ' + + '; ' + err.message);
    } else {
        alert("This device does not have HTML5 Database support");

function errorTrans(err) {
    alert("ERROR - Transaction - code: " + err.code + ", message: " + err.message);

function successTrans() {
    alert("Transaction executed Successfully");

function doLoad() {

function showContent() {

    mynamespace.db.transaction(function(tx) {
        tx.executeSql('select * from tbl_name', [], function(tx, res) {
            alert("Select did it Successfully. Rows returned: " + res.rows.length);
            var sHtml = "";
            for(var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; ++i) {
                var row = res.rows.item(i);
                sHtml = sHtml + "

" + row['name'] + "

"; } if(!res.rows.length) { sHtml = "No info to show"; } document.getElementById("content_tbl_name").innerHTML = sHtml; }, function(tx, err) { //err.code=5 no such table if(err.code != 5) { alert("ERROR - Select failed - code: " + err.code + ", message: " + err.message); } }); }, errorTrans, successTrans); }
jeffheifetz commented 12 years ago

Its important to note that the current example is also WRONG.

It uses the namespace Window instead of window

jeffheifetz commented 12 years ago

@miamon We can massage the example you put up into sample app. I feel like that may be a better place for it