blackberry / WebWorks-Community-APIs

Community owned repository containing JavaScript Extensions for BlackBerry WebWorks
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Migrate and upstream LowLatencyAudio plugin #378

Open timwindsor opened 9 years ago

timwindsor commented 9 years ago

Our LowLatencyAudio plugin is based on a similar API as this one, which I've forked into the BlackBerry account:

We should be able to migrate our code into it and submit it upstream so that the main plugin can support BlackBerry 10 in addition to the other platforms.

umcsdon commented 9 years ago

Update: 1) The upstream uses audio file with mp3 extension. OpenAL can be used for audio file with wav extension (decode required in order to play mp3). 2) It's hard to manager audio file loaded via preloadAudio (play & loop queue).

This one takes much longer time to complete than I thought...I'm consider to use other framework or library now.

Reading on Qt Multimedia document right now...I hope this help...

timwindsor commented 9 years ago

Yeah, that's quite a bit of modification to do. Hopefully you can find some decent libraries on device or in open source to make it manageable.