blackberry / WebWorks

BlackBerry WebWorks for Smartphones is a platform for building deeply integrated web applications for BlackBerry smartphones
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Packager Support for Linux and Mac OS X #10

Closed NotDaveLane closed 12 years ago

NotDaveLane commented 13 years ago

I've modified the packager to support execution on Linux and Mac OS X. It fixes folder separators and file paths for non-Windows OSes.

Since Linux and Mac users won't be able to use the preverify tool currently included with the installer for "Command Line Tools for BlackBerry Smartphone Apps", I have also added support to BBWPProperties for a "preverify_directory" value (this should be the path to the directory which contains the preverify executable).

filmaj commented 13 years ago

thank you

MartinMReed commented 13 years ago

Why not use File.separator to avoid situations like this:

if( OperatingSystems.isWindows() ) {
  _rapc = _sessionHome + "\\" + _rapc;
  _rapc = _sessionHome + "/" + _rapc;
jasonschroeder commented 13 years ago

Agree with @MartinMReed's comment.

tneil commented 13 years ago

Hi David,

I've attached this issue to the Golf milestone. We will be adding Mac support for the WebWorks Smartphone SDK and this code should come in handy

aleksejspopovs commented 13 years ago

I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but isn't Adobe AIR SDK required for the WebWorks packaging process? And, AFAIK, AIR SDK works only under Windows and Mac OS, so there's no point in porting the packager to Linux, unfortunately :(

tneil commented 13 years ago

For the PlayBook SDK we already support Mac/Windows but no Linux. You are correct Alexey, the Tablet SDK is Mac and Windows, Adobe is dropping Linux support because of lack of demand vs cost of maintenance.

Currently our Smartphone SDK only runs on Windows, but we are now adding Mac support for the Smartphone SDK.

We will also ensure that the current /o style parameters will allow -o style parameters on Mac and Windows to be more cross platform compliant

bert2002 commented 12 years ago

Looking forward for the Linux support. This will improve everything for me :)

tneil commented 12 years ago

@bert2002 We've indicated that we will be having Mac support.. but no Linux support for the SDK

aleksejspopovs commented 12 years ago

As I already said above, I'm pretty sure that Linux support isn't possible.

bert2002 commented 12 years ago

ooohh right. Apparently I was too excited to read all comments. But at least Mac support will be added. Weill done.

tneil commented 12 years ago

Yup.. we'll have support for both Mac & Windows for: