blackberry / WebWorks

BlackBerry WebWorks for Smartphones is a platform for building deeply integrated web applications for BlackBerry smartphones
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Input focus issue (OS7 - SDK - #136

Open bazzlad opened 11 years ago

bazzlad commented 11 years ago

I've found that it takes two clicks to select an input box (or click an input button).

To demonstrate this, I've made a video -

The first click highlights the input box and gives it a blue border. The second click enters it.

To move from that to another input box (or to click a button) again takes multiple clicks, one "wasted" to highlight, one to enter.

This behaviour is unacceptable for my app - and leaves the user clicking the screen repeatedly, like it's faulty.

The first click (the one that highlights) doesn't trigger click, mousedown or focus in jquery, so I can't even bodge it.

I'm running SDK - - on OS7.

Does anyone know a way around this - on OS6, 1 click = focus.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I'm a beginner in Blackberry developments specifically for the WebWorks and generally for the Native.

I saw your video and below what I had of BB os7.1 with the input.

I tested the input control of the BBUI framework on simulator of Blackberry Bold 9900 os7.1.0.523, it was fine and it's behavior wasn't as yours...

I was checking multiple controls to see which ones are working for my BB 9900 of the os7.1 and input was working as needed ... when I click on the input box it'll just get into the box after that it'll be focused just with one click. (BBUI.js)

Just wanted to share this in hoping to help you a little.

Few questions came to my mind when writing this comment,

  1. Are you testing on a Simulator or Device ? (sometimes simulators act different that a real device)
  2. What framework(s) you are using? u mentioned JQuery as for one, are there more?
  3. Did you try BBUI.js? ( this one may help as it is targeting the regular BB experience[I think and as I understood] )