blackberry / WebWorks

BlackBerry WebWorks for Smartphones is a platform for building deeply integrated web applications for BlackBerry smartphones
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Multiple Form Factor Loading Screens #14

Open tneil opened 13 years ago

tneil commented 13 years ago

It would be great to add some markup to the config.xml file so that you could specify different loading screens images to use for different form factors or Landscape/Portrait

For instance explicitly calling out the screen resolution images as part of the attributes.

<rim:loadingScreen backgroundImage="foo.png" foregroundImage="bar.png" 
    backgroundImage640x320="foo640x320.png" foregroundImage640x320="bar.640x320.png" />

This would allow for all different scenarios and form factors. If the screen resolution is not explicitly set then it would default back to the backgroundImage and foregroundImage attributes

tneil commented 13 years ago

Some details from the forums

rvanbaalen commented 11 years ago

Great idea! Too bad this idea has been around for almost a year now without anyone picking it up..

astanley commented 11 years ago

Actually, this is supported now in the BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK:

Recommend closing this request.

rvanbaalen commented 11 years ago

@astanley We're not only writing apps for BlackBerry 10 and it would be great if this was also supported for WebWorks apps that are targeted for BlackBerry OS <= 7