blackberry / bbUI.js

BlackBerry UI look and feel JavaScript toolkit for WebWorks
Apache License 2.0
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Z30(Z3?) 10.3 - missing space on screen (top / bottom) #1029

Open T-M-C opened 10 years ago

T-M-C commented 10 years ago

Hey, i just wanted to place a 100% height div on the screen. on the div is some "lost" space at the bottom + top on the screen and i saw that bbui gives an actionbarheight of 139, but it seems it has only 96... same for the top. can this be the reason? tested on 10.3 simualtor seems to work on z10 / q10 / passport

edit: even on 10.2:


edit: simulator gives 1pixel less for window.innerHeight + window.innerWidth, so bb.device.is1280x720 is false (dont know, if it is a simulator bug). this extra line fixed it for simulator:

bb.device.is1280x720 = (window.innerWidth == 1279 && window.innerHeight == 719) || (window.innerWidth == 719 && window.innerHeight == 1279); //Simulator?Bug
