blackberry / bbUI.js

BlackBerry UI look and feel JavaScript toolkit for WebWorks
Apache License 2.0
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Disabled text box issue.. bug?? #1032

Open wx-junkie opened 10 years ago

wx-junkie commented 10 years ago

Hi Tim,

I discovered a bug (presumably...) with respect to disabled text boxes (Input).

I have an input text box, and it is set to disabled. If I tap on the disabled textbox repeatedly, it will become enabled, and any contents that were inside the textbox clears. And this doesn't appear to be any sort of mask. If I read back the contents of the textbox into a variable, it is indeed empty.

I was able to reproduce this easily with your bbui.sample (latest version). If you open up input.htm, edit line 73 to add "disabled" to the end:

Build and install on a device (in my case, it's a Q10 running os Load up the input controls page, and you'll see the "Sample Text" inputbox is indeed disabled. If you tap on it a few times (sometimes does it quickly, other times it takes a few tapping), you can get it to unlock and clear.

I hope this is something that is easily fixed... or maybe it's something out of your control. It is causing some issues with user preferences in my app where they get cleared unexpectedly.

Look forward to hearing back,
