Closed edyb closed 10 years ago
do you use the latest bbui?
You are right. I am probably a few versions back, so I will have to recompile and resubmit all my bbUI apps including this one. However, I have been checking all my apps on the DAC even up to 10.2.x.x and didn't notice any major issues... I wonder if this started within the last few iterations of 10.2... I will need to get my hands on a stock z10 with a consumer OS and see if I can replicate the issue.
Hello everyone,
I published an free app a while ago and it has been running fine since 10.0... Here is the relevant link:
A user on z10 running just emailed me some screenshots showing he is missing the bottom action bar, and the text list actually says "text list" at the top, which I thought was odd. When he entered a story, he can't exit because it is missing the bottom action bar with the back link. Here are the screenshots he sent:
And here is another one showing the story but it is missing the back button. Please note also that the font doesn't look right. On my screenshots (which I will show you lower down) on the Q10 the font is sanserif, whereas on his screen shot it is serif. Strangely enough, on my original screenshots in Appworld the font is also serif:
I loaded up the app on my DAC device running and it appears like the following (note the font is sans serif and my back buttons and everything is still working fine). However, I noted that the behavior I set to "jump" to a specific list item upon opening the main listing page (ScrollToElement) doesn't work anymore. I was using it on the "back" button from the story so it jumps back down to the list where it left off. Here are my screenshots:
Notice that the list displays properly and doesn't show that "text list" bar that was on the other user's screenshot who was running And here is the actual story once clicked into an item:
Any ideas on why these issues are happening? It is a free app so hopefully different people on different OS's can download. Not sure why and would show different results. Any help would be appreciated.