blackboard / lambda-selenium

Use Selenium Webdriver and Chrome inside AWS Lambda
MIT License
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More Node Examples #26

Open tsu-denim opened 6 years ago

tsu-denim commented 6 years ago

Add NodeJS examples for Protractor and Nightwatch

unlikelyzero commented 6 years ago

+1 for Nightwatch

kolodiy commented 6 years ago

+1 for Protractor. Would we great to see test organization tips. For example, currently I have 200+ tests, how can I organize them to run in parallel using lambda-selenium?

tsu-denim commented 6 years ago

We are wrapping up getting the full version of chrome working instead of merely just headless. Protractor example is coming soon!

Regarding parallel tests, having a dynamic data setup is huge. Tests should be able to run independently and not require a particular order to run in. I.e., A user login test would first generate a unique user via an API, login with this user, check for a successful login, then pass the test.

tsu-denim commented 6 years ago

Some helpful articles regarding running tests in parallel at a high level:

Lots of good information for this on the saucelabs blogs.

tsu-denim commented 6 years ago

I'm hoping to have an update for node tomorrow.

tsu-denim commented 6 years ago

I spent a good part of yesterday trying to come up with a protractor example suitable for this project, one that is actually useful and easy to try out. I've got it figured out, but did not finish just yet.

tsu-denim commented 6 years ago

Getting close to having a serverless test runner for protractor soon, stay tuned.