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Advantages/Disadvantages InfluxDB and CouchDB/PouchDB #11

Closed JaromirCharles closed 4 years ago

GITBSB commented 4 years ago
CouchDB/Pouch Influx
Description Documents with Json structure Time-based with timestamp
Data easy to store other data types (like plain text) time series, events and metrics
Query javaScript for MapReduc on views SQL-like query language - more powerful and faster for our uses: example history data (time > x and time < y)
Other scalable, fast to get data in and out
Sync PouchDB: store data locally while offline, then synchronize it with CouchDB when the application is back online - pro: Offline-first attempt, fully functional offline mode con: client-heavy if you have to handle large data amounts write own sync - local caches (file) with sync on timestamp or GraphQL?