blackd / Inventory-Profiles

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[BUG] 'AutoRefill' breaks somthing in SpyglassImprovements mod. #371

Open gezinfly opened 7 months ago

gezinfly commented 7 months ago

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' [name] - [version] ' kotlinforforge-4.9.0; libIPN-4.0.1; InventoryProfilesNext-1.10.9; spyglass_improvements-1.4;

Describe the problem

AutoRefill of InventoryProfilesNext mod broke something in SpyglassImprovements mod.

The spyglass in offhand taken out by SpyglassImprovements mod should be temporary.But AutoRefill of InventoryProfilesNext makes it permanent if offhand was empty.

英语水平不高,消歧义,贴出中文描述: SpyglassImprovements mod理应临时把望远镜放到副手上(按键松开回到背包)。但是开启AutoRefill之后,如果之前副手是空的,望远镜就回不去了。

Steps to reproduce

1.Be sure your offhand is empty; Be sure AutoRefill is on; 2.Put a spyglass in your Inventory.But don't let it in your hotbar; 3.Use hotkey to use your spyglass. (The Defualt is 'Z'. )(You can change it in 'Key Binds' of ‘Game Menu’.) 4.Release the button.Then you will find spyglass remains in your offhand;

5.Turn off AutoRefill and try again; 6.Things changed. Spyglass is successfully put back into bag.

By the way,I've tried to put 'minrcraft:spyglass' into blacklist.But it takes no change, the problem remains.

同样,消歧义,贴出中文: 1、空着副手,保持AutoRefill开启; 2、把望远镜放到包里,不要放快捷栏; 3、热键使用望远镜(默认是“Z”)(主菜单的按键绑定那边可以设置。) 4、松开按键。望远镜就留在副手了。

5、AutoRefill关掉,重复操作; 6、这下望远镜正常回去了; 另外,望远镜加过黑名单了,但是还是不行。

I have tried to reproduce the problem with only or without "Inventory Profiles Next" and its dependencies installed.