blackd / Inventory-Profiles

Take control over you inventory. Sort. Move matching/all Items. Throw all/all items. Locked slots. Gear sets! And much more!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
144 stars 48 forks source link

Buckets of axolotl can't be sorted and produces error message #412

Closed Lumelore closed 1 week ago

Lumelore commented 3 weeks ago

Have you asked for help on discord?


Minecraft Version/s



Fabric, Quilt

Modloader Version

Fabric Loader Version: 0.15.11 Quilt Loader Version 0.26.0

Operating System


List of all other installed mods

appleskin-fabric-mc1.21-3.0.2.jar architectury-13.0.1-fabric.jar athena-fabric-1.21-4.0.0.jar BetterF3-11.0.1-Fabric-1.21.jar chat_heads-0.12.3-fabric-1.21.jar cloth-config-15.0.127-fabric.jar Clumps-fabric-1.21- CustomPlayerModels-Fabric-1.21-0.6.17c.jar dynamic-fps-3.4.3+minecraft-1.21.0-fabric.jar enhancedblockentities-0.10.1+1.21.jar entityculling-fabric-1.6.6-mc1.21.jar fabric-api-0.100.1+1.21.jar fabric-language-kotlin-1.11.0+kotlin.2.0.0.jar fallingleaves-1.16.0+1.21.jar ferritecore-7.0.0-fabric.jar gahtmod-1.1.2-mc1.21.jar ImmediatelyFast-Fabric-1.2.18+1.21.jar indium-1.0.33+mc1.21.jar InventoryProfilesNext-fabric-1.21-2.0.0.jar iris-1.7.1+mc1.21.jar jamlib-fabric-1.0.9+1.21.jar libIPN-fabric-1.21-5.0.0.jar modmenu-11.0.0-beta.2.jar rightclickharvest-fabric-4.2.0+1.21.jar sodium-fabric-0.5.9+mc1.21.jar sound-physics-remastered-fabric-1.21-1.4.3.jar

Describe the problem

Trying to sort a chest with buckets of axolotl in it produces an error message in chat and the chest does not get sorted. It is single player.

The error message in chat is the following and can be seen on line 243 of the log:

java.lang.ClassCastException: class net.minecraft.class_9279 cannot be cast to class net.minecraft.class_2520 (net.minecraft.class_9279 and net.minecraft.class_2520 are in unnamed module of loader net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader @38364841)


Steps to reproduce

Try to sort a chest with buckets of axolotl in them. I used the R key but I don't know if that matters.

I have tried to reproduce the problem with only or without "Inventory Profiles Next" and its dependencies installed.

blackd commented 3 weeks ago

this is a know problem

blackd commented 1 week ago

fixed release will fallow shortly