blackdaemon / enso-launcher-continued

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Applications open on Windows will be shutdown when Enso is shutdown #3

Open blackdaemon opened 7 years ago

blackdaemon commented 7 years ago

This is happening at least under PyDev. All programs ran from Enso using 'open' command will get killed after Enso is restarted (when started from PyDev).

Programs needs to be executed detached

Another side effect of current approach is that the executed application console is output into Enso log (in Linux version, only stderror goes to console, stdout is thrown away. In Win32, both goes into console)

blackdaemon commented 7 years ago

Changed os.startfile to subprocess.Popen(target, shell=True, creationflags=win32process.DETACHED_PROCESS) Still does not seem to work properly, plus as a side effect, the winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, winerror.ERROR_BAD_COMMAND is not thrown now so I can't offer the "adjust shortcut properties" dialog.