blackdtools / Blackd-Proxy-CLASSIC

Blackd Proxy CLASSIC
MIT License
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no way to tell the cavebot to move to an *EXACT* sqm #102

Open divinity76 opened 5 years ago

divinity76 commented 5 years ago

i need to move exactly to a specific SQM.. the solution should have been

move 106,662,6
IfTrue ($myx$#number<>#106) Goto $nlineoflabel:go1066626$
IfTrue ($myy$#number<>#662) Goto $nlineoflabel:go1066626$

this is probably a good thing to avoid heuristic bot detection, meaning this is probably a GOOD thing for antibanmode, but with antibanmode disabled, this behavior just cause trouble..

i guess we could either implement a "moveExactSQM" command, portable across even antibanmode, or make the Move command more accurate when "antibanmode = 0" ...

Neorisen commented 5 years ago

Its about move 106,662,6 : P its not going to exact sqm because blackd implemented there some kind of "random walking" so you wont get detected that easily : P there's probably margin of 1 or 2 sqm so even if you're 1 or 2 sqm's away from target location, bot will still consider it as if he reached exact waypoint. Change it and bot will always go to that exact location

@edit sorry I haven't read whole post ^^ anyway good luck with that

divinity76 commented 5 years ago

@Neorisen yeah i think you're right - but this "random move" behavior should be confined to antibanmode != 0 - but what do you think about PR #103 ?

Neorisen commented 5 years ago

I haven't been playing with blackd code for a long time, but it looks good : P you have to be sure that antibanmode doesnt affect something else though, because that might get you banned(if u care about that ofc)

divinity76 commented 5 years ago

@Neorisen i only play on OT servers, and i always play with antibanmode = 0 ^^ and in fact, i think BlackD Proxy isn't compatible with Tibia 11.x anyway (i believe BattlEye and the tibia client QT-rewrite broke BlackD Proxy, and @blackdtools doesn't have time/motivation to fix it, as the QT-rewrite and BattlEye is a MAJOR challenge)

Neorisen commented 5 years ago

@divinity76 Yeah im aware of that but some OT servers are still banning bots : D You made me even look whats going on in otservlist and :P Tibia is still alive in 2019 which is pretty amazing