blackdtools / Blackd-Proxy-CLASSIC

Blackd Proxy CLASSIC
MIT License
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(for high exp ots) ignore and continue on errors in UpdateExpVars #37

Closed divinity76 closed 8 years ago

divinity76 commented 8 years ago

in high exp ots, "exp to next level" can overflow VB's Double / Long's, thus "On Error GoTo goterr" will make everything "? exp to level ? - ? exp/h", but if we use "On Error Resume Next" here, it will say "0 exp to level XXXX. exp/h: XXXXX", we can still calculate exp/h for a lot of levels, also in several OTs, your level is displayed as 0 and your exp displays your level after level 32767 because tibia client use a signed int16_t which can only hold up to level 32766 , while experience is an uint32_t which can hold up to 4294967295, so in this case, exp/h will now contain the level/h instead (instead of the current behaviour, everything is ?)