blackdtools / Blackd-Proxy-CLASSIC

Blackd Proxy CLASSIC
MIT License
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[feature request] can we get a OnReconnectGoTo for the cavebot? #65

Closed divinity76 closed 8 years ago

divinity76 commented 8 years ago

as far as i know, there is no way to specify what to do when it has reconnected from server restart/connection drop; it simply opens the first backpack (if any); sometimes i would like to do more than just opening the first backpack, like opening the loot backpack;

Nrated commented 8 years ago

If u want to make something like this without editing source than you should play with $played$ Can't remember syntax though IfTrue($played$#string=#0h 0m 1s) goto $nlineoflabel:my_loop$ If u want to open bp in cavebot:

fastExiva _numofcontainer = 00
#00 = first opened container
fastExiva _bpid = 33 0B
fastExiva _summonlootBP = sayMessage exiva #$_bpid$ 03
waitX 1
#place lootBP on the first slot in your BP using exiva #ID SLOT which will summon your
#LootBP to BackPack Slot(03). Here:
sayMessage exiva > 82 FF FF 40 00 00 $_bpid$ 00 $_numofcontainer$
#idont remember exact syntax of iftrue but u will know what I mean
IfTrue($countitems:SOME_ID$#number<#1) goto $nlineoflabel:my_loop$
#iftrue is supposed to determine If your loot bp is already opened. It checks for an 
#items that are only In loot bp, or you could look for items from your mainBP
#(since this packet will close mainBP and open Loot BP on top of it: container 00)
#keep doing whatever you want

You can also just place exact BP ID's in script without doing fancy things like $_summonlootBP$ Im just bored xD Probably it would be easier to do with source xD

divinity76 commented 8 years ago

yeah thanks! "open backpack" was exactly my problem ^^