blackears / cyclopsLevelBuilder

A Godot plugin to let you block in levels inside the Godot editor.
MIT License
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Use face's normal for adjusting movement gizmo rotation in face mode. #168

Open darkhog opened 1 month ago

darkhog commented 1 month ago

So it will be easier to move faces along their normal vector without distorting the entire mode. Related, if block has been rotated, add an ability to use a local pivot instead of aligning gizmos to the world.

darkhog commented 1 month ago

Okay, I now realize that I wasn't all that clear in the OP, however it's late, I'm tired, and due to me not being a native speaker, my English suffers because of my tiredness, lol. Anyway, thought to add a picture. Basically I want to move the face outlined in green along its normal vector (the blue line), with the movement and rotation gizmo being aligned to it: