blackears / cyclopsLevelBuilder

A Godot plugin to let you block in levels inside the Godot editor.
MIT License
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Cyclops failing to load #173

Open GoTaco opened 1 month ago

GoTaco commented 1 month ago

This is a brand new project and i cant autoload even changing the name doesn't allow me to load in the plugins. The only thing iv added is GoldGdt. Which adds a source style character controller that's it. Other then that nothing else has been done in this project.

Can't add Autoload: Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing global script class name.

Unable to load addon script from path: 'res://addons/cyclops_level_builder/'. This might be due to a code error in that script. Disabling the addon at 'res://addons/cyclops_level_builder/plugin.cfg' to prevent further errors.



blackears commented 1 month ago

You need to type the autoload name as CyclopsAutoload under Node Name, not take the default.