blackears / cyclopsLevelBuilder

A Godot plugin to let you block in levels inside the Godot editor.
MIT License
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Plugin does not load or work #175

Open AkaiArts opened 1 month ago

AkaiArts commented 1 month ago

First of all, I already followed the instructions and it still doesn't work. To start, just when importing the files I receive all these errors: image I already added the autoload as the instructions say and enabled it image image In a new scene, just by adding a CyclopsBlock I get all this errors, the image only shows a few but they reached 1000 errors before I deleted the object image Then I went back to the documentation to check what I was doing wrong, in the first video it specified that I had to use CyclopsBlocks with an s at the end so that's what I did but as seen in the image the options to edit the blocks do not appear image I tried CyclopsBlock again and the options came out but when trying to draw a block it throws a lot of errors image image I am using version 4.2.1 Stable of godot, it is not the first time I have used this plugin, the previous time it also gave me errors when importing but the plugin worked fine

eric-delguerra commented 1 month ago

I got the same issue, I juste reboot Godot and it's work better.

But still have errors (cf: screenshot) when I tried to select Face menu icon. Any idea ?


blackears commented 1 month ago

You will need to reload the project after installation so that Godot compiles the classes properly. Do not use CyclopsBlocks with an 's' - that was the original way but is now deprecated. The best way to create your first block now is to click the Cyclops tab in the bottom tab bar and pressing the button to create a new block.