blackears / cyclopsLevelBuilder

A Godot plugin to let you block in levels inside the Godot editor.
MIT License
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Add better UV Grid that makes it easier to line up UVs. #181

Open darkhog opened 3 weeks ago

darkhog commented 3 weeks ago

The regular grid is nice, but it lacks an ability to easily align the UVs. Here it's an enhanced one that makes it easier to align UVs of your level (yes, it's supposed to be visually... striking):

I'd like it to be added instead of the default one.

blackears commented 2 weeks ago

For now you can update the material in res://addons/cyclops_level_builder/materials/grid.tres to use this texture.

darkhog commented 2 weeks ago

That's what I did, I just want it to be the default one so it doesn't get lost when upgrading Cyclops or whatever.