blackears / svgSalamander

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Maven Update #14

Closed Longri closed 7 years ago

Longri commented 7 years ago

Can you please upload the latest release 1.1.1 to Maven?

don-vip commented 7 years ago

+1, can you please update Maven Central?

blackears commented 7 years ago

Well, I just spent a couple of hours rereading the Maven docs, retweaking my Maven build target in ant and trying to upload a new bundle. I'm getting the error:

Artifact upload failed.
Invalid maven artifacts: [lib/svgSalamander-1.1.3-javadoc.jar, lib/svgSalamander-1.1.3-javadoc.jar.asc, lib/svgSalamander-1.1.3-sources.jar, lib/svgSalamander-1.1.3-sources.jar.asc, lib/svgSalamander-1.1.3.jar, lib/svgSalamander-1.1.3.jar.asc]

I changed the paths of the generated artifacts a bit to more closely reflect the recommendations that sonatype provides, but otherwise it is unchanged.

If anyone wants to look at my maven publish process and can recommend changes, please take a look at the maven-publish task that I've put in the build.xml file.

I have very little motivation for getting this working with Maven. I am very busy and Maven's opaqueness makes updating the archive very difficult.

Honestly, I've had more fun doing my taxes than trying to deal with Maven. What a crappy, unintuitive and overly complicated system.