blackears / svgSalamander

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SVG is mostly drawn in black #22

Closed murkle closed 6 years ago

murkle commented 7 years ago

We've had a report from one of our users that the attached SVG is mostly drawn in black - is it using an unsupported SVG feature?

SVG is generated by


Mike svgblack

murkle commented 7 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="194" height="131">
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      <style><![CDATA[.sb-label{font-family:Lucida Grande,Verdana,Arial,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif;font-weight:700;fill:#fff;font-size:10px;word-spacing:+1px}.sb-obsolete{fill:#d42828}.sb-motion{fill:#4a6cd4}.sb-looks{fill:#8a55d7}.sb-sound{fill:#bb42c3}.sb-pen{fill:#0e9a6c}.sb-events{fill:#c88330}.sb-control{fill:#e1a91a}.sb-sensing{fill:#2ca5e2}.sb-operators{fill:#5cb712}.sb-variables{fill:#ee7d16}.sb-list{fill:#cc5b22}.sb-custom{fill:#632d99}.sb-custom-arg{fill:#5947b1}.sb-extension{fill:#4b4a60}.sb-grey{fill:#969696}.sb-bevel{filter:url(#bevelFilter)}.sb-input{filter:url(#inputBevelFilter)}.sb-input-number,.sb-input-number-dropdown,.sb-input-string{fill:#fff}.sb-literal-dropdown,.sb-literal-number,.sb-literal-number-dropdown,.sb-literal-string{font-weight:400;font-size:9px;word-spacing:0}.sb-literal-number,.sb-literal-number-dropdown,.sb-literal-string{fill:#000}.sb-darker{filter:url(#inputDarkFilter)}.sb-outline{stroke:#fff;stroke-opacity:.2;stroke-width:2;fill:none}.sb-define-hat-cap{stroke:#632d99;stroke-width:1;fill:#8e2ec2}.sb-comment{fill:#ffffa5;stroke:#d0d1d2;stroke-width:1}.sb-comment-line{fill:#ffff80}.sb-comment-label{font-family:Helevetica,Arial,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif;font-weight:700;fill:#5c5d5f;word-spacing:0;font-size:12px}]]></style>
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            <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label " transform="translate(6 5)">switch</text>
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            <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label " transform="translate(103 5)">to</text>
            <g transform="translate(118 4)">
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               <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label sb-literal-dropdown" transform="translate(4 0)">backdrop1</text>
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      <g transform="translate(0 73)">
         <g transform="translate(2 0)">
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            <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label " transform="translate(6 16)">when</text>
            <g transform="translate(41 15)">
               <g width="45" height="14" class="sb-input sb-input-dropdown">
                  <rect x="0" y="0" width="45" height="14" class="sb-events sb-darker" />
               <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label sb-literal-dropdown" transform="translate(4 0)">space</text>
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            <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label " transform="translate(90 16)">key</text>
            <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label " transform="translate(114 16)">pressed</text>
         <g transform="translate(2 33)">
            <path d="M 0 3 L 3 0 L 13 0 L 16 3 L 24 3 L 27 0 L 90 0 L 93 3 L 93 19 L 90 22 L 27 22 L 24 25 L 16 25 L 13 22 L 3 22 L 0 19 Z" class="sb-looks sb-bevel" />
            <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label " transform="translate(6 5)">next</text>
            <text x="0" y="10" class="sb-label " transform="translate(35 5)">backdrop</text>
murkle commented 7 years ago

This seems to be the problem: <style><![CDATA[.sb-label{font-family:Lucida Grande,Verdana,Arial,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif;font-weight:700;fill:#fff;font-size:10px;word-spacing:+1px}.sb-obsolete{fill:#d42828}.sb-motion{fill:#4a6cd4}.sb-looks{fill:#8a55d7}.sb-sound{fill:#bb42c3}.sb-pen{fill:#0e9a6c}.sb-events{fill:#c88330}.sb-control{fill:#e1a91a}.sb-sensing{fill:#2ca5e2}.sb-operators{fill:#5cb712}.sb-variables{fill:#ee7d16}.sb-list{fill:#cc5b22}.sb-custom{fill:#632d99}.sb-custom-arg{fill:#5947b1}.sb-extension{fill:#4b4a60}.sb-grey{fill:#969696}.sb-bevel{filter:url(#bevelFilter)}.sb-input{filter:url(#inputBevelFilter)}.sb-input-number,.sb-input-number-dropdown,.sb-input-string{fill:#fff}.sb-literal-dropdown,.sb-literal-number,.sb-literal-number-dropdown,.sb-literal-string{font-weight:400;font-size:9px;word-spacing:0}.sb-literal-number,.sb-literal-number-dropdown,.sb-literal-string{fill:#00f}.sb-darker{filter:url(#inputDarkFilter)}.sb-outline{stroke:#fff;stroke-opacity:.2;stroke-width:2;fill:none}.sb-define-hat-cap{stroke:#632d99;stroke-width:1;fill:#8e2ec2}.sb-comment{fill:#ffffa5;stroke:#d0d1d2;stroke-width:1}.sb-comment-line{fill:#ffff80}.sb-comment-label{font-family:Helevetica,Arial,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif;font-weight:700;fill:#5c5d5f;word-spacing:0;font-size:12px}]]></style>

murkle commented 7 years ago

Sorry, tried with a simpler example and I see this in the console 😄

WARNING: CSS parser not implemented yet

murkle commented 7 years ago

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 100 100"
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    circle {
      fill: orange;
      stroke: black;
      stroke-width: 10px; /* Note: The value of a pixel depends
                             on the view box */
    /* ]]> */

  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" />
blackears commented 7 years ago

Yes, at the moment SVG Salamander does not handle CSS stylesheets. The code base really needs an overhaul, but at the moment I don't have any time I can devote to serious work on the project (and likely won't any time soon).

murkle commented 7 years ago

Thanks, good to know!