blackears / svgSalamander

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SVG to Image Using SVGSalamander not rendering SVG correctly #46

Open thilinadinith opened 4 years ago

thilinadinith commented 4 years ago

I have worked for SVG image rendering for iText PDF document. to do this i used SVGSalamander for convert SVG to image format. it works fine but it has a strange behavior that some of the SVG images are not rendering correctly while some are doing. those wrongly rendered svg are not aligned with the real image. I tried but i couldn't figure out why its happening only for some images.

Really appreciate if someone help me to resolve this.

Java Code:

private static Image createSVGImage(PdfWriter pdfWriter, String imageEntry) throws BadElementException {
        Image image = null;

        Graphics2D g2dgraphics =null;
        PdfTemplate template = null;
            SVGDiagram diagram = SVGCache.getSVGUniverse().getDiagram( new imageEntry ).toURI() );
            template = pdfWriter.getDirectContent().createTemplate( diagram.getWidth(), diagram.getHeight());
             g2dgraphics= new PdfGraphics2D(template, diagram.getWidth(), diagram.getHeight());
    }catch( Exception e ){
    } finally {
        if( g2dgraphics != null ){
          image = Image.getInstance(template);


    return image;

SVG xml code that its not align

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
  <path d="M19,16a46,46 0,1,0 62,0l-8,8a34,34 0,1,1-46,0z" fill="#069"/>
  <path d="M46,43v35a28,28 0,0,1-14-49zM54,43v35a28,28 0,0,0 14-49z" fill="#396"/>
  <circle r="15" cx="50" cy="18" fill="#900"/>

more details are available in question in stackoverflow ( images )

weisJ commented 3 years ago

This doesn't seem to be relevant anymore. The provided svg renders correctly for me.