I've followed the guide here to profile a piece of code inside a locally installed PHP app, but I got an error 401 without any message right when I execute the following instruction:
$probe = $blackfire->createProbe();
Stack trace:
in vendor/blackfire/php-sdk/src/Blackfire/Client.php
at line 448 at Client ->sendHttpRequest ('https://blackfire.io/api/v1/collab-tokens')
in vendor/blackfire/php-sdk/src/Blackfire/Client.php
at line 304 at Client ->getCollabTokens ()
in vendor/blackfire/php-sdk/src/Blackfire/Client.php
at line 317 at Client ->getEnvDetails (null)
in vendor/blackfire/php-sdk/src/Blackfire/Client.php
at line 346 at Client ->getRequestDetails (object(Configuration))
in vendor/blackfire/php-sdk/src/Blackfire/Client.php
at line 288 at Client ->doCreateRequest (object(Configuration))
in vendor/blackfire/php-sdk/src/Blackfire/Client.php
at line 51 at Client ->createProbe (object(Configuration))
in src/AppBundle/Service/ImportService.php at line 257
I have an active Blackfire account and right before doing that test, I've profiled the app's homepage via the Blackfire companion without any problems.
I've followed the guide here to profile a piece of code inside a locally installed PHP app, but I got an error 401 without any message right when I execute the following instruction:
Stack trace:
I have an active Blackfire account and right before doing that test, I've profiled the app's homepage via the Blackfire companion without any problems.
Am I missing something?