Everything was working fine until recently, and I didn't change any backfire settings or the code. Now I only get this:
I am using the latest version of PHP SDK from Packagist, and I use it like this:
use Blackfire\Client;
use Blackfire\ClientConfiguration;
$config = new ClientConfiguration('ID', 'TOKEN');
$blackfire = new Client($config);
$probe = $blackfire->createProbe();
register_shutdown_function(function () use ($blackfire, $probe) {
The data reaches blackfire.io since I can see new profiles. But it seems the data is somehow corrupted.
Hi @binary-data ,
It means the blackfire PHP extension is not installed or loaded.
If you need help to fix that, please contact us at support@blackfire.io.
Everything was working fine until recently, and I didn't change any backfire settings or the code. Now I only get this:
I am using the latest version of PHP SDK from Packagist, and I use it like this:
The data reaches blackfire.io since I can see new profiles. But it seems the data is somehow corrupted.